Geriatrics & Family Medicine Center
Medical Laser Center
Creating a New You

Natural Alternative Medicines


Blood Pressure Specialist

ChoLessterol Specialist

Daily Energy

Max Digestion Specialist

Max Pain Specialist

Max Slim Specialist

Thyroid Specialist

Daily Wellness







Blood Pressure Specialist

The destructive force of hypertension is well researched and documented. Recent publications verified that hypertension contributes to cardiovascular diseases, parkinson’s, alzheimer’s, strokes, etc. It is said that control of hypertension is one of the most difficult conditions to address when using herbal extracts.
Blood Pressure Specialist is a simple and yet highly effective means of supporting normal blood pressure. Its dosage is highly adjustable and customizes to individual needs by simply adjusting the number of pills taken a day.
Blood Pressure Specialist also addresses effectively the stress mechanism and anxieties often accompanying hypertension. 
Difficult issues such as inability to fall asleep at night as a result of hypertension will quickly be moderated and improved, often resulting in individuals being calmer as well as lowering the blood pressure. 
•  All natural herbal extracts
•  Lower blood pressure
•  Lower stress and anxiety
•  Readily available for good night sleep
•  Fast Acting 


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ChoLesstrol Specialist

Life saving formula!  This extraordinary new,  all natural herbal breakthrough may radically change the future course of alternative medical heart supplement.  This amazing comprehensive formula will thrill you with proven research and clinically tested ingredients that goes to work immediately to repair, protect, and restore your heart to its healthiest and strongest condition.    



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Octacosanol – A natural compound made from sugarcane, medical study by Dr. Gourini-Berticold that Policosanol reduces LDL (bad) up to 29% and raises HDL (good) by up to 15%. (Am. Heart. J. 2002) confirmed by Dr. Castano G. that Policosanol in postmenopausal women LDL (bad) dropped up to 25%, T. Chol. dropped 16.7%, and HDL (good) by 27%. (Gynecol Endocr 2000). Further safety study of Policosanol by Dr. Fernandez J.C. on nearly 28,000 participants concluded that Policosanol is effective, safe, and well tolerated. (Curr. Ther. Research 1998 & J. of Geron. March 2000)

Pleorotus – Dr. Solomon Wasser reports an edible mushroom containing a high content of natural cholesterol lowering statin in the fruiting body of Pleorotus Ostreatus. (Int. J. of Med. March 1999). A number of laboratory studies by Dr. Bobek et al. It shows that Pleorotus Ostreatus effectively prevented accumulation of cholesterol in blood and liver of animals studied.

Inositol Hexanicotinate – Vitamin B3 niacin is well accepted by the traditional mainstream medical community to lower cholesterol but unfortunately niacin when taken in quantities to lower cholesterol can cause severe flushing, headaches and occasional liver inflammation. Now you can have a more powerful alternative. Inositol Hexanicotinate, an extensively studied super potent safer alternative to niacin without side effects. According to Dr. Head K.A. (Alt. Med. Rev. 1996). Dr. Welsh A.L. says Inositol is improved, powerful, and more effective than Niacin. (Int. Record Med. 1961).


It is obvious that mainstream medicine option of cholesterol as the culprit of heart disease missed a great deal of the total picture. While millions of people continue to suffer heart disease and die, research has shocking proof that doctors are complacent and ignoring the main culprits: INFLAMMATION

QUESTION: What is invisible and silent, but deadly?
Dr. Stephen Prescott of the University of Utah told SCIENCE NEWS that clinical data suggest that Inflammation is “Central to the Pathogenesis” of blocked arteries. The chemicals from inflammation further harms the blood vessel walls. White cells congregate at the site of this injury, becomes engorged with fat molecules forming the FIRST sign of atherosclerosis (Science News 1/20/90).

Dr. Paul Ridker,MD, a cardiologist with the Harvard Medical School did an extensive study of more than 22,000 male physicians over 14 year period. Doctors with highest CRP scores ended up over next 10 years with a 300% increase in heart attacks and 200% strokes. Dr. Ridker did another Monumental study with nearly 30,000 healthy post-menopause women revealing the highest CRP test had 700% increase heart attack or stroke. (NEJM Nov 2003)


Turmeric has a strong active ingredient called Curcumin, it is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties worldwide.

Reuther’s Health reports: A study in recent issue of the Journal CANCER links curcumin to be a potent anti-inflammatory agent with health benefits.

Researchers at the University of Illinois found that Curcumin helps prevent plaque formation and that Turmeric reduced the number of plaques by half. Studies at Vanderbilt University suggest that Curcumin may block progression of Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Turmeric has significant anti-inflammatory and additional cancer protection benefits. Dr. Motterlini R. reports that in laboratory studies, the use of anti-inflammatory properties of Curcumin protected the inner lining cells of the bovine aorta resulting in “enhanced cellular resistance to Oxidative Damage” (Free Radic Biol Med, April 2000.)


Homocysteine is a toxic Amino Acid. It accelerates the aging of your circulation by attacking the inner lining of your blood vessel causing premature heart disease.

Homocysteine is dangerous because it can cause blood vessel blockage or clots even if your cholesterol and triglycerides are not significantly elevated. Researchers believe that excess level of homocysteine may set the stage for cholesterol to penetrate the blood vessel walls and start the plaque formation. Detoxify the excess homocysteine by “methylating” homocysteine into a non toxic amino acid methionine by supplementing Folic acid, vitamin B12, and B6. Men and women younger than 60 years old is 220% increased overall risk of coronary and other vascular diseases in those with highest homocysteine blood levels. Dr. Donald Jacobsen, Ph.D. Director for Homosysteine research at Cleveland Clinic says that patients with elevated homocysteine levels are 800% greater incidence of heart disease, strokes, and clogged arteries of the legs than the general population.


Scientists from all over the world “Break the Silence” by revealing secrets that revolutionize the All Natural Heart supplement. Dr. Xavier Pi-Sanyer MD, professor of Medicine at Columbia University reveals the people consuming higher Folic Acid and Vitamin B12, B6, has a significant reduction of Homocysteine level in the blood. “We estimate these patients have a reduced risks of heart disease by up to 80%” he says.

The New England Journal of Medicine July 97 reports that “High Homocysteine” levels in blood are a strong prediction of death in patients with angiography confirmed coronary artery disease”. Lastly, on safety issue worth noting that on review of data from 80 clinical studies including more than 10,000 patients, it was concluded that Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 and B6, is an efficient and safe means to reduce elevated homocysteine. 

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Daily Energy


The Key to taking vitamins is absorption. The Daily Energy & Daily Wellness are the two best formulations designed by the world renowned Dr. Paul Ling Tai, who carefully selected almost 100 herbs and minerals from the Far East and the Western world, and has merged them with the Leading Edge manufacturing technology in U.S. Now you can have the health supplement that your body can absorb like natural food, and you can feel the difference in your total well being!

Surge of Energy
•  All Organ Optimizer
•  Support Immune System
•  Critical Health Nutrients
•  No Artificial Coloring
•  No Yeast, Dairy, Sugar, Preservative
•  Sugar & Starch Free
•  Powerful Heart Protection
•  Readily Absorbable in 30 min.
•  No GI Gastro Intestinal Upset
•  Anti-Aging Formula
•  Cancer Fighting
This is a powerful essential vitamin group that helps protect your eyes from Glaucoma giving it support for you to have optimum night vision.
• Vitamin A sharpens your vision and prevents blindness by protecting your eyes from the
    damage of ultraviolet light.
• Vitamin C prevents capillary fragility, stopping those bruises that you get easily and
   prevents bleeding gums.
• Vitamin D for absorption of calcium and phosphorus for strong bones
• Vitamin E, which according to the medical journal shows a possible 40% reduction in
   heart disease. If you happened to have a heart attack, it will improve your
   survival rate by making it non-fatal in approx. 75% of individuals.
Your entire blood system depends on B complex. It helps with cell reproduction and growth. It flushes out all your toxins and it helps gives your blood cells the hemoglobin and oxygen carrying capabilities, which is super important to provide the oxygen that is required in every cell of your body. The cholinergic complex is a powerful antioxidant protecting you from UV sun damage. This complex is the ever so important layer protecting your skin from cancer. It will also help fight against heart attack by controlling hemocysteine. This is a new and exciting development.
These are what we called the soldiers in the field. They are all important minerals which fight diseases, without them, life cannot take place. Most cheap vitamins use inorganic minerals that are ground into powder, which is kind of like eating rocks, and many times passes through your body completely unabsorbed and useless. Dr. Tai’s Millennium minerals are all amino acid chelated, which means your body can recognize them as a potential amino acid food source and the base unit of protein. These minerals will foster strong bones and joints, strong heart muscle and will help your kidneys to work efficiently. Additional benefits include keeping your prostate healthy and invigorating your skin’s capability of immediate wound healing. Powerful yet gentle!
These are powerful protectors and tireless fighters of Free Radicals. Free Radicals are crazy cancer producing by-products of your own body’s metabolism. They also help to maintain your muscle strength and support the carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Your entire aging process is a result of the free radicals attacking your body. Recent research shows that the aging process can be halted; even reversed, if we are able to counteract the free radicals with powerful antioxidants to neutralize these poisons within our body. Maximize anti-aging by fortifying your immune system to promote a longer and healthier life.
Omega 3 and Omega 6 are the essential fatty acids that produce the EPA and DHA, both important fats that are present in the deep marine fishes that protect your heart and help support your circulation. By controlling your total cholesterol and specifically lowering LDH, the bad cholesterol, you will stop clogging your arteries and heart with deadly plaques.
You may not be getting all the healthy nutrients from the food you eat!  Do you feel bloated or suffer from gas because of poor digestion? This complete complex will help you to digest your carbohydrate, fats and protein, keeping your whole entire digestive enzyme in order.
Furthermore, it provides you with all the beneficial lacto-bacteria necessary for fast, easy, and smooth digestion just as if you were eating yogurt daily.
SPIRULINA - The exclusive green food protector. Coming directly from the northwest crystalline water, Spirulina is a refined algae, single cell animal with the most complete DNA, RNA, and micro-nutrients ever found in nature. It will give you unparalleled energy and help give you wonderful soft skin and beautiful strong hair growth. You can actually feel the surge or energy!
This is a complete Amino Acid Pak. All 8 essential amino acids are present in this package. Your body cannot make these amino acids, and are all available only when taken by mouth. They are called essential because they support your muscle and life. Don’t be without them. If you are not eating properly, the amino acid pak assures you have all the 17 cardinal amino cids your body needs, therefore, never lacking a single amino acid for proper muscle replenishment. Powerful insurance if you are on the go and not eating properly.
This proprietary formulation has powerful effect on the health of your heart, artfully combines COQ10 with the essential L-Carnitine which increases the efficiency and regeneration of antioxidants, helping to invigorate the heart cells. Selenium empowers the muscle to contract and work more efficiently. Safeguard your heart!
Loaded with Inositol, Betaine, and Chromium Proteinate. A triple fat burner to efficiently re-route your calories away from fat deposits into a readily usable glycogen for immediate energy. It fine tunes your carbohydrate metabolism through a more efficient glucose tolerance factor, and builds more muscle while burning and mobilizing fat.

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Max Digestion Specialist


Question of the Day - If you think it is important to wash your outer skin and brush your teeth, then don’t you think it makes equal sense to cleanse the inside of your digestive tract at least once a day? Isn’t the answer obvious?!!

Constipation is the slow or lack of bowel movements of feces through the intestines. The feces often become dry & hard & stuck because all the fluid is reabsorbed by the colon during this abnormal extended time. According to the American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, about 80% of people suffer from constipation at some time during their lives. The National Institute of Health published the survey showing 4-1/2 million Americans are constipated most or all the time. In the U.S. there are 2.5 million doctor visits each year from people complaining of constipation. Nearly 800 million dollars spent each year on harsh laxatives.



You are only 30 feet away from Great Health and Abundant Energy
The digestive system from the beginning of the mouth to the end of the rectum is approximately 30 feet long of flexible pipe. The entire system is made of mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum. Our inside is constantly smeared with gravy, mashed potatoes, and chunks of meat, fish parts, and ketchup, followed with ice cream, coffee or tea. Imagine all of them mixed together, what would it look like? It is first necessary that we chew the food well (basically grinding it all up together) and allow the digestive juices in the stomach to mix, mash, and churn to break the food into a liquid mush to expose the nutrients. These nutrients are absorbed in the upper part of the small intestines, mixing with the bile from the liver. The pulpy rotten remains are then pushed into the colon where the water is re-absorbed; the feces are compacted, and disposed out of the rectum. These are the steps of a normal bowel movement which should take place from the beginning to the end (called Transit Time) 15 hours, and expelled out twice daily which we call regularity.
Constipation is fundamentally the slowing down process of food moving through the digestive tract and that is called transit time. Back in the old days of life on the farm, Americans ate right (nutritional and balanced meals), and then worked all day at the homestead.  The typical transit time was 15 hours.  Today with processed food lacking enzymes and natural fibers, heavy on sugar, the transit time of food through the gut is slowing down to 70 hours.
When transit time slows down, putrefied nasty material stays in your colon longer and the old feces start to harden and stick to the walls of the colon.  Two million American suffer colon diseases like colitis, ileitis, and diverticulitis, and 100,000 colostomies (surgical opening covered with a bag for collection of feces) are performed each year.  A normal regular person carries an average of 5 pounds of fecal matter;  a person suffering from irregularity and constipation can carry 40 pounds or more of old fecal matter.
A Job Harder than “Mission Impossible”
As the digested food just sits there in our colon, it is reabsorbed with the water, and all the toxins, gases, and poisons that are given off by the rotten fecal matter.  When it then re-enters our blood stream, this self-poisoning process is called Autointoxication. The fecal matter becomes dry and hard as the material becomes glued to the pockets of the colon wall, leading to Mega-Colon. The average colon measures up to 5 inches around but the left over fecal matter distend the colon up to 15 inches thick trying to push the hard stool out of a one inch hole of the rectum.  This stuck and rotten fecal matter causes abnormal growths like polyps, inflammation called colitis, weak protruding of the walls called diverticulitis (where food like corn gets trapped) and leads ultimately to deadly tumors and colon cancer.
“Constipation was associated with substantially increased risk of colon cancer”
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center published in a control study of 424 cases among men and women from 30-62 years old... Dr. Jacobs E.J. Epidemiology, July 9, 1998.

Digestion Specialist DUAL ACTION start with washing minerals and follow with healing vitamin peptides to help maintain proper gastric pH.  This helps the stomach cells convert the pepsinogen into enzyme pepsin, thus keeping the stomach lining sterile and encouraging the flow of bile and pancreatic enzymes. Clinical studies show decline in acid secretion of the stomach cells as we get older, preventing natural absorption of nutrients. Recent studies show 30% of all men and women past 60 have little or no acid secretion in the stomach, and therefore require supplemental vitamin C. Dr. AC Carr, published American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1999.
Dr. GS Sharp found 80% of patients with Achloalydria had soreness, burning, indigestion, and excessive gas. Secretion of acid is a prerequisite to beginning of digestion without which you cannot absorb iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin B complex. Dr. Sharp also reported that overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria, fungi and parasites may be countered by supplementation of vitamin C. J. America Gerontology Soc. 1967.
Researchers have found that Ascorbic acid can protect and rejuvenate aging cells from the stomach. One study entailed feeding the cells vitamin C in a growing medium and showed that it restored digestive enzyme production.
But most importantly, vitamin C, an active component of “Healing Vitamin Peptides” neutralizes deadly compounds called nitrosamines, substances known to be linked to stomach cancer.
DIGESTION SPECIALIST - Healing Vitamin Peptides carefully protects the intestines with a special amino acid glutamine, a principal fuel for the small intestine’s cell lining. Although glutamine is a major circulating amino acid for the muscles and lungs, it is the small intestine that is the primary user. Glutamine is converted in the mitochondria (cell battery) of the small intestine and colon for energy production used in bowel movement. Researchers have shown that supplemental glutamine had incredible value in restoring and increasing the size of intestinal villi (these small fingers that actually absorb the nutrient) after being damaged, cut short, and blunted by the encrusted fecal matters and matted down by slimy sticky mucous.
Dr. Alan Miller in his published article discusses the intestine wall thickness as a barrier preventing large toxic and pathogenic organisms from crossing into bloodstreams and when intestines become diseased, the intestinal walls become thin, allowing the transport of disease bacteria, food allergies, and toxic compounds to the blood stream. Supplemental glutamine can restore the thickness of the intestinal mucosa and increase immunoglobulin A to fight bacteria turbo-charging the immune system. Confirmed by Dr. Klimberg V.S. oral glutamine accelerates healing of the small intestine. Arch Surg 1990.
In addition, the vitamin B6 in Digestion Specialist has shown in research to protect women by reducing colon cancer by 70%. A large epidemiologic study by Dr. Roseil P. shows that supplemental calcium plus vitamin D is associated with lower colon cancer in both men and women, published in Cancer 2001.
Digestion Specialist unique water dissolvable calcium as one of the body’s most important minerals is well known, but recent research of calcium has been reported effective as an adjunct to weight loss.  Dr. Parikh S.J. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2003 and confirmed by Dr. Zemel M.B. Journal of American College of Nutrition 2002.
What is the “Forgotten Mineral”?
Last, but not least, is magnesium, the forgotten mineral, needed to perform over 300 known biochemical reactions for metabolism and energy.  Carolyn Dean, author of Miracle of Magnesium, says that “you can’t get enough magnesium from food alone” - it is nearly impossible. In fact, she announces what is not widely known that 80% of the people in United States may be magnesium deficient.
For most of us maintaining strong bones has been a hard fought battle, and the best kept secret is that calcium alone won’t do it! Magnesium is crucial to calcium absorption, so if you are taking calcium without magnesium for stronger bones, you are just kidding yourself and wasting your money. The body’s ideal ratio is calcium to magnesium in 2 to 1 ratio. And while we are on the subject of bone health, may I tell you that research shows having boron available helps calcium to stay in the bone and boron is in Digestion Specialist.
Wait! Here comes the best part … You won’t believe your eyes!
Digestion Specialist Washing Minerals & Healing Vitamin Peptides are nearly completely and absolutely water soluble.  You won’t believe your eyes when you add a spoonful of Digestion Specialist to a glass of water, it instantly dissolves nearly 98% in water into solution like magic.  This special process makes the washing minerals even more special, containing coral calcium with all 70 micro nutrients and vitamin D for better absorption!
A unique combination of “Washing Minerals” and special “Healing Vitamin Peptides” to clean and rejuvenate your intestinal and colon to relieve constipation, food allergies, and healthy repair of your digestion, even curb cravings!  

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Max Pain Specialist

This Astonishing PRINCE OF PAIN RELIEF, a concentrated Traditional Chinese Medicine Extracts was discovered after monumental laboratory work. Using extract of natural plants they patiently evaluated each of the extracts against the “Gold Standard” Morphine for pain relief and anti-inflammatory activities. The best analgesic extract reaching 60% analgesic of morphine was processed using the “Medicinal Teapot” technology. Now you have the Prince of Pain Relief with all the benefits of morphine without the negative side effects.


Max Slim Specialist


Weight loss in a sustainable program is not only controlling intake of food, which is what 99% of folks do, but it must also be less calories eaten than calories used or expended from your own metabolism. Not unlike your bank account, if you spend more than you take in, at some point you’re going to start depleting your savings account; that is your successful diet. The fat on that belly is the savings account you want to deplete.




Thyroid Specialist


Many studies have shown that Americans are suffering from severe Chronic Thyroid Deficiency. One of its major causes is the deficiency of balanced Iodine and Iodide due to their lack of food sources of Iodide in our Western diet.

World health organization studies have shown that certain world populations, principally women living in the coastal areas of Japan and China, have less iodine deficiency, as a result, these women suffered less hormone sensitive cancers, such as ovarian, uterine, and breast cancers than any other population segment of the world. Careful studies of their diet regiment consist of generous portion of sea kelp, which is an excellent and significant source of balanced Iodine and Iodide. The net daily dietary consumption of 6 mg of Iodine and 6 mg of Iodide gives a perfect balanced overall total protection where the Iodine is supportive of the thyroid gland hormone, and Iodide is supportive of the breast and ovarian tissues. Many published articles have supported the proposal that deficiency of iodide, which is stored in the breast tissue, are the primary causes in females to be predisposed to fibrosis of cystic ducts in the mammary gland (Breast).

Thyroid Specialist is made of a natural herbal base called Mozuko extract, a special sea kelp, rare marine kelp found in the coastal water of Okinawa, Japan. The Mozuko kelp is extracted with water, naturally concentrated with all the essential polysaccharides, algenate, and very high fucoidan.

Thyroid Specialist has the natural properties derived from mozuko extract with all of the healthy ingredients from the ocean. Only 6 drops of this Thyroid Specialist diluted in juice may give you a balance of 6 mg of Iodine and 6 mg of Iodide, reflecting the daily dietary consumption of Japanese women in the coastal region.

•  May Support thyroid hormone metabolism
•  May Balanced Iodine and Iodide
•  May be Supportive of healthy breast tissue
•  All natural Mozuko Sea Kelp extract
•  High concentration of natural fucoidan
•  Excellent source of Essential polysaccharides
•  Daily dosing of 6 drops in diluted juice 

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Daily Wellness 


The key to taking vitamins is absorption. The Daily Energy & Daily Wellness are the two best formulations designed by the world renowned Dr. Paul Ling Tai, who carefully selected almost 100 herbs and minerals from the Far East and the Western world, and has merged them with the Leading Edge manufacturing technology in U.S. Now you can have the health supplement that your body can absorb like natural food, and you can feel the difference in your total well being!  



•  Surge of Energy
•  All Organ Optimizer
•  Support Immune System
•  Critical Health Nutrients
•  No Artificial Coloring
•  No Yeast, Dairy, Sugar, Preservative
•  Sugar & Starch Free
•  Powerful Heart Protection
•  Readily Absorbable in 30 min.
•  No GI Gastro Intestinal Upset
•  Anti-Aging Formula
•  Cancer Fighting
These herbal supplements are thousand year old discoveries from China. They have been used and time tested. These herbals support and help create balance in all the organs in your body, allowing for improvement of your circulation. They support and enhance your hormones that are necessary for vitality and that perfect balance of well being. These ancient herbal secrets such as DONG QUAI, FO-TI, ASTRAGULUS ROOT, etc., have been passed on generation by generation, known only previously by the Chinese Traditional Herbalist.
This is like recharging the battery in your cells, the power that sparks life. It will help to “Bullet proof” your heart and help to improve your blood pressure. It is a tireless fighter of free radicals and anti-aging. These free radicals attack the cells in your body at the rate of 10,000 times a minute, trying to break through your cell immunity and the cell wall. Once the normal healthy cells lose this battle, it becomes tired, old, and potentially ruptured. This is the most complete and powerful antioxidant formulation known on the market. It combines both the water and fat soluble antioxidants. No single antioxidant can do the entire job by itself there must be team work. This is the most powerful combination of antioxidants. Now with Glutathione the remarkable Antioxidant rejuvenator and replenishment system.
The power of garlic! It is widely accepted, researched and promoted that Allicin present naturally in garlic is the key component to helping to maintain a healthy heart and improve your circulation. Your blood pressure could use the help of this powerful natural substance that has been known by ancient cultures for thousands of years.
To help you fight FLU & COLD through the winter and during stress times, Echinacea builds your immunity and resistance from infection of viruses and bacteria. Echinacea is made from a natural flower collecting all of the goodness of the sun to help your body fight infection. Known for its help in the war against the common cold.
Ancient Japanese research has long held the powers of special mushrooms as having natural potent substances to fight against cancer called Beta Glucans. We have combined many different kinds of exotic Asian mushrooms to give you one of the best and most powerful complexes available in the market. Artfully using extracts of mushroom complex to fortify and combined with famous South American Cat’s Claw, anti-cancer ingredients. No formulation would be complete without the Chinese anti-cancer secret of Isoflavones which is in Tofu, long been used by the monks for good health. It is widely researched that the Shark-Cartilage is an expensive but powerful component in the fight against cancer and arthritis.
In order to improve your memory, circulation through your brain is enhanced by this herbal extract called Gingko Biloba with strong anti-coagulant properties to prevent the cells from sticking to each other and clogging up the small blood vessels. This is not a powder. It is an extract, powerfully concentrated and effective in improving your mental alertness and clarity.
All athletes desire for not only a burst of power, but also the stamina to stay with it. We have brought you the Triple Crown winner of the herbal world. (1) Ginseng is well known and respected for thousands of years for its stamina building power with (2) Spirulina to provide you with TURBO charging instant power from the micro-crystalline seaweeds. We have added a 3rd little known ancient secret called (3) Cordiceps not available until recently in the U.S., This extremely expensive root is harvested in the high mountains of China and Asia for the benefit of very few lucky individuals that can afford its wonderful benefit, helping the glucose metabolism through ATP-ADP mitochondria complex.
This comes in as one of the most perfect micro-organisms in the world. Blue green algae provides all the chlorophylls and micronutrients of the crystal clear water from the lake and possesses in its cell wall the important RNA and DNA constituents that are the most important key of life.
Milk Thistle Extract - There is no more important organ in the human body than the liver. It deals with all the toxins and elimination of all of the poisons within the body. We rely completely on its ability to keep us healthy through detoxification and as a healthy processing center of our metabolism.
Vegetable and Fruit Complex - We all know we need to eat a minimum of 5 to 9 servings of fruit and vegetables daily for our daily nutrition need. When you are on the run or not getting your proper amount of vegetables for your daily nutrition, this vegetable/fruit complex will help you to meet some of the requirement that is necessary for a healthy diet. Imagine having the benefit of vegetable and fruit without actually having to eat it.
This is known as the “French factor”. How could the French eat such rich food and still have one of the lowest heart disease rates in Europe. There is well received research showing that a glass of red wine, due to its grape seeds and grape skin extract help fight the diseases of the heart. Now you can have all the benefits of a glass of wine without the dangerous side effects of the alcohol. The “Chinese factor” is also well known for the green tea extract, it is well known in cutting greasy foods as well as providing a healthy metabolism elevation of the basal metabolic rate. This is one of the best polyphenol complex formulations available in the market.
Turmeric Extract: An excellent anti-inflammatory in the fight against arthritis. It is well regarded in the ancient Middle East as a helpful herb for its fight against fat by blocking its absorption and cleansing the body.
Masterful combination of the latest technological breakthrough of new antioxidants little known by the public, such as Elagic Acid (Pomegranate), N-Acetyl Cystene, Pine Bark extracts, shown to be 50 times more powerful than Vitamin E, Alpha-Lipoic-Acid, Co- Q10, S.O.D., and countless more. This army of SPECIAL FORCES fights tirelessly to keep you younger and healthier for an enjoyable life!


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